Utilizați instrumentul Găsește telefonul meu Android pentru a găsi, a bloca și a șterge toate datele de pe telefon fără a le atinge
Știați că puteți bloca de fapt telefon Android fără contact fizic? Da! Blocați telefonul Android de la distanță și ușor.
Desigur! Sunteți dezamăgit că v-ați pierdut telefonul iubit pentru că cineva l-a furat sau l-ați pierdut undeva și cineva l-a găsit, dar nu vi l-a returnat și ați fost profund îngrijorat, deoarece cineva ar putea să vă răsfoiască datele private, cum ar fi imagini, videoclipuri și mesaje text. Ei bine, nu vă mai faceți griji, deoarece acest tutorial vă va învăța să ștergeți complet toate datele pe care le aveți pe telefonul pierdut și să le blocați definitiv!
Aceste cerințe sunt importante pentru a face totul de la distanță. Deci, este important să le configurați în prealabil, în cazul în care va sosi momentul să vă pierdeți telefonul. Și, de asemenea, dacă ți-ai dat seama că ți-ai pierdut telefonul, ar trebui să efectuezi imediat aceste acțiuni altfel, îi dai hoțului o mână de timp pentru a-ți face ceva la telefon.
- Locația telefonului trebuie să fie activată.
- Telefonul în sine trebuie să fie pornit.
- Trebuie să fie semnat la Contul dvs. Google.
- Trebuie să aibă o conexiune la internet.
- „Găsește-mi dispozitivul”Funcția trebuie activată.
Găsiți-vă telefonul de la distanță
Puteți găsi cu ușurință locația EXACT a telefonului folosind această caracteristică! Da, locația exactă urmează pur și simplu tutorialul și cerințele trebuie îndeplinite mai întâi.
- Pentru a obține totul a început să meargă android.com/find
- Conectați-vă cu e-mailul dvs. Google la fel cum a fost semnat contul dvs. pe telefon.
- Acordați timp pentru a vă conecta la telefon.
- Apoi vă va oferi locația în timp real a telefonului dvs.! Da, în TIMP REAL.
Blocați telefonul de la distanță
Acum, la blocarea dispozitivului Android, se află la doar câteva clicuri distanță. Blocați-vă telefonul și introduceți numărul dvs. de telefon cunoașteți titularul telefonului pentru a vă contacta. Ceea ce este puțin probabil dacă ți-a fost furat telefonul.
- Apasă pe "Lacăt”Opțiune și apoi introduceți un mesaj și numărul dvs. de telefon pentru a vă contacta.
- La fel ca imaginea de mai jos.
- În dreapta (capătul telefonului), așa va arăta.
Ștergeți datele de pe telefon de la distanță
Dacă fiecare acțiune pe care o faceți eșuează. Hoțul nu îți va returna telefonul, atunci aceasta este ultima ta soluție. Ștergeți toate datele din el pentru BUN! Acest lucru vă va șterge toate imaginile, videoclipurile, lista de contacte, mesajele și orice altceva. Telefonul va fi ca cel pe care tocmai l-ați cumpărat, gol pe orice. Și va rămâne în continuare blocat după aceasta.
- Accesați funcția Ștergere și apoi faceți clic pe ștergere.
- Terminat!
- Acest lucru va șterge tot ce aveți pe telefon.
Google a depus o mulțime de eforturi acolo pentru a obține totul securizat pentru dvs. și pentru datele dvs. Aceste caracteristici sunt toate puse împreună pentru a vă proteja datele, dar telefonul dvs. poate fi în continuare funcțional după toate. Hoțul poate face încă ceva magie pe programul dvs. de telefoane și poate reseta totul ocolind fiecare caracteristică de securitate și face telefonul să funcționeze din nou. Dar, desigur, fără datele dumneavoastră. Acesta este cel mai important drept?
This method is seriously impressive, thank you for bringing it to our attention.
This method is so user-friendly and intuitive. Even someone with no prior knowledge of X can follow along easily.
Keep up the fantastic work!
The method has completely changed the way I do things, thank you.
This method is seriously life-changing, thank you for bringing it to our attention.
Keep up the amazing work! Your method has saved me countless hours of frustration.
I’m so thankful for this method, it’s seriously making a huge difference in my life.
There are new applications that are used for hiding chats and all other apps on phones lately. I never knew about this until I was introduced to tomcyberghost[a]gmail com and I hired him to help me check, hack, and monitor my cheating spouse’s cell phone remotely. It was with his help got to know my spouse was cheating on me with this same application to hide most of the chats on the cell phone but immediately I contacted this ethical hacker he helped me break into it and I was able to read and monitor all the day to day activities through my cell phone. I will forever be grateful to this honest and trustworthy hacker. If you are facing any infidelity problems in your relationship or marriage you can contact him. He will provide all the help you needed for you. Contact him via Email: at [email protected] Text/Call and WhatsApp at +1(404) 941- 6785 to tell him i referred you.
I was able to catch my cheating husband red handed with a lady he has been having a love affair with and this was made possible by Fred hacker that I met through a comment posted by Kimberly Jane on Reddit about his good and professional services. I started getting suspicious of my husband since he became too possessive of his phone which wasn’t the way he did prior before now. He used to be very carefree when it comes to his phone. but now he’s become obsessed and overtly possessive. I knew something was wrong somewhere which was why i did my search for a professional hacker online and contacted the hacker for help so he could penetrate his phone remotely and grant me access to his phones operating system, he got the job done perfectly without my husband knowing about it although it came quite expensive more than i thought of.i was marveled at the atrocities my husband has been committing. Apparently he is a chronic cheat and never really ended things with his ex.. contact him here. [email protected] and you can text,call and WhatSapp him on +15177981808 or +19782951763
I wanted to know how to track my wife’s phone without her knowing and was pleasantly surprised to find [email protected]. It is a great hacker for tracking her phone activities without her ever knowing. I highly recommend it to anyone who needs to keep track of their spouse or loved ones. His spy app user interface is very easy to use and understand. It allows me to view all of my wife’s activities on the target device, location tracking, and other features such as social media account monitoring. This tool has saved me a lot of time and worry in knowing that I can keep tabs on her without her ever knowing. Highly recommend this hacker.
I’ve already seen a significant improvement in my results after implementing your method. Keep up the amazing work!
I’ve been looking for a solution like this for ages, and you’ve hit the nail on the head. Thanks for sharing!
The method is simple yet incredibly effective, thank you for sharing it.
This method has saved me countless hours of frustration and trial-and-error. Thank you so much!
There are new applications that are used for hiding chats and all other apps on phones lately. I never knew about this until I was introduced to tomcyberghost[a]gmail com and I hired him to help me check, hack, and monitor my cheating spouse’s cell phone remotely. It was with his help got to know my spouse was cheating on me with this same application to hide most of the chats on the cell phone but immediately I contacted this ethical hacker he helped me break into it and I was able to read and monitor all the day to day activities through my cell phone. I will forever be grateful to this honest and trustworthy hacker. If you are facing any infidelity problems in your relationship or marriage you can contact him. He will provide all the help you needed for you. Contact him via Email: at [email protected] Text/Call and WhatsApp at +1(404) 941- 6785 to tell him i referred you.
when it comes to hacking. He will picture the best for you who actually needs his help, be careful of whom you contact to help you, he is a special hacker which has his own ways of hacking that nobody has ever imagined in thishacking world with his spare idea he can hack anything. He is totally secured and your security comes first.Hacking a website is a job for pros like MR FRED1-Change school grade. Bank jobs, flipping cash, hacking and controlling any robot.2-Database hack. Remove criminal records. Facebook hack. 3-gmail hack 4-whatsapp hack 5-website hack 6-tracking calls 7-online hacking lectures 9-Cloning of phones10-online records changes11-Twitter hack12 calls log And lots more. Contact [email protected] and you can text,call and whatsapp him on +15177981808 or +19782951763
I was able to catch my cheating husband red handed with a lady he has been having a love affair with and this was made possible by Fred hacker that I met through a comment posted by Kimberly Jane on Reddit about his good and professional services. I started getting suspicious of my husband since he became too possessive of his phone which wasn’t the way he did prior before now. He used to be very carefree when it comes to his phone. but now he’s become obsessed and overtly possessive. I knew something was wrong somewhere which was why i did my search for a professional hacker online and contacted the hacker for help so he could penetrate his phone remotely and grant me access to his phones operating system, he got the job done perfectly without my husband knowing about it although it came quite expensive more than i thought of.i was marveled at the atrocities my husband has been committing. Apparently he is a chronic cheat and never really ended things with his ex.. contact him here. [email protected] and you can text,call and WhatSapp him on +15177981808 or +19782951763
Hacking a mobile phone is usually something that requires hiring an expert to get it done for you to get your desired result. These mobile hacks actually work fine but most people have problems using it because the bulk of the job is done and highly dependent on the hacker. In most cases, the only way you can get it done yourself is if you really know how to hack. Otherwise, your best bet will be to hire a professional hacker, and I recommend [email protected] I have used his service and he’s highly professional, he’s the best and he will give you exactly what you want. Text,Calls & Whatsapp +1 (404) 941-6785.
After much failed attempts to spy on my spouse whom I suspected has been cheating on me, thankfully I got a recommended Thomas which I contacted his so reliable, he work with discretion and deliver in a bit he do all sort of hackings (unrestricted and unnoticeable access to my partner’s phone and PC activities ) I would prefer to let his services speak for itself you can contact him on this email [email protected] or Text, call & Whatsapp +1 (404) 941-6785